Goal 16
Promote just, peaceful & inclusive societies
About the Platform
In April 2016, The World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) launched the 16+ Forum, a platform committed to SDG 16+ and to showcasing what it means to advance peaceful, just and inclusive societies in policy and practice at all levels and for a wide community of stakeholders–governments, civil society, the UN, regional and international organizations, academia, private sector and media.
As the core of the 2030 Agenda’s Peaceful, Just and Inclusive pillar, SDG 16+ offers a catalytic opportunity to fully realize the 2030 Agenda, as an integrated and mutually-reinforcing whole focused on advancing government accountability, building trust, and sustaining peace.
Through its gatherings, events and publications, the 16+ Forum facilitates dialogue and exchange, capturing lessons learned while convening a variety of stakeholders to advance meaningful and universal implementation of SDG 16+ and our collective efforts to ensure that no one is left behind.
- A platform dedicated to SDG16+
- SDG 16 as a link across the 2030 Agenda
- Events, publications, conferences, and more

A partnership and a platform, the 16+ Forum is comprised of the Permanent Missions to the UN of the following countries: Australia, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Georgia, Guatemala, Peru, the Republic of Korea, Sierra Leone, Sweden, Timor-Leste and Tunisia, as well as the g7+ Secretariat and WFUNA as its Secretariat.

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The 17 Goals are all interconnected, and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve them all by 2030.
Learn more

What is SDG 16+ (Plus)?
No Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) can or should be evaluated or implemented in isolation from the others. SDG 16 is no exception.
24 targets from seven other goals directly measure, using a total of 33 additional indicators, at least one aspect of peace, inclusion, or access to justice. Though not directly, SDG 16 is also inseparably linked with all other SDGs; their related targets and indicators are leveraged to enhance all facets of SDG 16+

The shift from SDG 16 to SDG 16+
The SDG 16+ Community is highly collaborative and responsive, and as a collective, dedicatedly works, interdisciplinarily and cross-sectionally, to achieve the 2030 Agenda and implement all 17 SDGs, with SDG 16 as the keystone. The SDG 16+ Community is guided and enabled by:
- Evidence and Data
- Finance
- Learning and Exchange
- Communication, Advocacy and Movement-Buildin

Why SDG 16+ (Plus)?
The SDG 16+ Community has received recognition and funding from every level of societies across the globe, from the individual up to national governments. As the core of the 2030 Agenda’s Peaceful, Just and Inclusive pillar, SDG 16+ offers a catalytic opportunity to fully realize the 2030 Agenda, as an integrated and mutually-reinforcing whole focused on advancing government accountability, building trust, and sustaining peace.
The SDG 16+ Community is organized and uniquely positioned to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalization of global partnerships for sustainable development, using SDG 16 as its anchor.

The Showcase provides a regular opportunity to highlight steps taken at national and local levels towards SDG 16+ implementation, inclusive of challenges, successes and solutions. Through civil society capacity-building sessions, field visits, and panel and breakout discussions, this multi-day conference allows participants to share best practices, challenges, and solutions in SDG 16+ implementation, reinforce collective commitment, and strengthen efforts to realize and build a movement for peaceful, just, and inclusive societies.