WFUNA Donates Computers to Students in the Dominican Republic

Global nonprofit organization representing and coordinating a membership of over 100 national United Nations Associations.

WFUNA has arranged for a donation of technological equipment to be made to the National Institute of Professional Technical Training (INFOTEP) to benefit their most innovative programs that serve economically vulnerable but academically proficient students who do not have the ability to buy a computer themselves.

Aziel Goulandris, representing WFUNA in the Dominican Republic, explained that the donation of technological equipment consisted of 134 computers and 64 laptops from the Hewlett-Packard (HP), Lenovo and DELL brands; as well as 27 HP printers. He went on to say that,

“..due to their contributions to society and the efficient use of the delivered equipment, we will certainly be making more contributions to INFOTEP in the future.”

Pedro de la Cruz, Director of the Eastern branch of INFOTEP, explained that the Information and Communication Technology Workshop was enabled with the equipment:

“We are extremely grateful because the training we carry out in this workshop is in high demand.”

The donation was made possible through a generous contribution from Shawn Chen, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Sias University, an innovative educational institution through which students, leaders, and scholars from East and West can meet and profit from an exchange of ideas expressed in multiple languages and cultures.

Read the press release from the President of the Dominican Republic’s office here.

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