UN Security Council Exit Briefing Featured Albania’s 2022-2023 Term

On January 25th 2024, WFUNA hosted the sixth United Nations Security Council Exit Briefing with Albania, represented by H.E. Mr. Ferit Hoxha, after the 2022-2023 term.

United Nations Security Council Exit Briefing with Albania, represented by H.E. Mr. Ferit Hoxha.

On January 25th 2024, WFUNA hosted the sixth United Nations Security Council Exit Briefing with Albania, represented by H.E. Mr. Ferit Hoxha, after the 2022-2023 term. This briefing took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, with a livestream viewing option available through UN Web TV.

The goal of these briefings is to provide a space for Ambassadors to share their experiences as elected members of the Council, reflect upon successes and challenges, and provide recommendations for the incoming candidates. This is a part of a series of initiatives that WFUNA organizes to increase transparency and civil society access to UN processes.

WFUNA’s Secretary General, Mr. Aziel Philippos Goulandris, moderated the briefing with approximately 70 member states and civil society representatives in attendance.

Following opening remarks, a series of Question and Answer rounds from Member State representatives and civil society organization representatives provided for an interactive session. Questions taken from the floor included Greece and Denmark who are candidates for the 2025 term, asking for advice as incoming members, as well as Sri Lanka, inquiring how to measure success on the Council.

The conversation covered various topics, including some of Albania’s objectives during its time on the Council. Ambassador Hoxha addressed issues such as the policy of aggression and emphasized their commitment to democracy. Furthermore, the Ambassador highlighted the importance of the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda, evident through meetings, mandates, and resolutions.

The Council’s attention to human rights issues was underscored, with a recognition of Albania’s own complex human rights history, making it a significant concern as a member. Ambassador Hoxha expressed the value placed on involving civil society in the council’s proceedings and expressed a hope for future implementation. The Ambassador noted the importance of insights from civil society in advancing the Council’s agenda.

Ambassador Hoxha stressed the effectiveness of the E10, emphasizing the impact of countries from different continents coming together. The Ambassador shared the unique and invigorating experience of being on the Security Council—witnessing hardship firsthand but also drawing inspiration from the diverse statements discussed. The ultimate goal, Ambassador Hoxha stated, is to maintain and uphold multilateralism, as without it, the world would be in much worse shape.

Watch the full briefing here.

The Exit Briefings, held early in each calendar year, feature the outgoing members of the UN Security Council, and invite other member states and civil society organizations to engage with their experience on the Council. The Briefings are live streamed on UN WebTV, and live tweeted using the hashtag #UNSCExit. These options for virtual engagement provide civil society organizations not based in New York an opportunity to engage online and submit questions, further connecting UNSC Presidency-Civil Society Dialogues with wider networks.

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