UN Security Council 2024 Election Briefing

UNSC Election Briefing featuring all UN Security Council candidates seeking election for a non-permanent seat on the Council for the 2025-2026 term.

On Monday May 13, 2024, WFUNA held a UNSC Election Briefing featuring all UN Security Council candidates seeking election for a non-permanent seat on the Council for the 2025-2026 term. This event featured the uncontested candidates currently running unopposed, included Denmark, Greece, Pakistan, Panama, and Somalia. The candidate countries were represented by Ambassadors of all five Missions to the UN, being H.E. Mrs. Christina Markus Lassen, Permanent Representative of Denmark; H.E. Mr. Evangelos Sekeris, Permanent Representative of Greece; H.E. Mr. Muhammad Usman Iqbal Jadoon, Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan; H.E. Ms. Markova Concepción Jaramillo, Permanent Representative of Panama; and H.E. Mr. Abukar Dahir Osman, Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

WFUNA’s Secretary-General, Mr. Aziel-Philippos Goulandris moderated the Briefing, facilitating interventions and questions from representatives of both Member States and Civil Society Organizations. The discussion centered on the candidates’ intentions and priorities if elected to the Council, as well as addressing relevant global issues and concerns.

During the briefing, the participating missions addressed their priorities and objectives for the upcoming UNSC term.

Ambassador Lassen of Denmark spoke about their nation’s longstanding commitment to multilateralism and international law, stressing the need for a more cohesive and functional Council to effectively address rising global conflicts. The Ambassador’s remarks highlighted Denmark’s historical and consistent contributions to peacekeeping efforts—from a role in establishing the Peacebuilding Commission to their support towards the UN peacekeeping fund—to demonstrate their dedication to upholding the UN Charter. Further, Ambassador Lassen highlighted plans to adapt conflict responses to “new realities,” such as developing climate and women’s issues.

Ambassador Sekeris of Greece reiterated Greece’s steadfast commitment to upholding national law and promoting an approach fuelled by dialogue, diplomacy, and democracy. Of special note was Greece’s focus on its prioritization of the Climate, Peace and Security nexus, emphasizing its commitment to maintaining and strengthening the UN’s response to climate related security risks. During the briefing, Greece placed significant emphasis on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, drawing on its regional history to underscore its commitment to safeguarding maritime security.

Ambassador Jadoon of Pakistan highlighted critical issues of conflict prevention, counterterrorism, and regional stability amidst growing challenges to the UN Charter’s principles. Addressing concerns such as illegal use of force, terrorism, and regional conflicts, Ambassador Jadoon underscored Pakistan’s dedication to establishing a comprehensive counterterrorism strategy and fostering peace and security in crucial regions like South Asia, Afghanistan, and the Middle East, including the Palestine issue. To bolster these efforts, Pakistan advocated for greater transparency, democracy, and accountability within the Security Council, aiming to elevate the quality of international deliberations.

Representing Panama, Ambassador Jaramillo stressed the importance of cooperation, multilateralism, and preventive diplomacy in conflict prevention efforts. Panama highlighted the imperative for the Security Council to better reflect global diversity and make concerted efforts to involve civil society, especially regarding the Women, Peace, and Security agenda. Central to their position was the role of active cooperation between CSOs and the Council, emphasizing the need for firsthand knowledge from civil society organizations and regional bodies and promoting information sharing and teamwork for more effective international responses.

Lastly, Somali Ambassador Osman emphasized the urgent necessity for Security Council reform, calling for the Council to better reflect today’s geopolitical dynamics and ensure broader geographical representation. With a strong focus on sustainable peacebuilding, Somalia affirmed its dedication to taking proactive steps in conflict prevention, including investing in mitigation strategies and early warning systems that help address the root causes of conflict. Further, Somalia stressed the necessity of close cooperation between the UNSC and the African Union, aiming to align agendas for more effective collaboration and inclusive decision-making.

These diverse perspectives among the candidate countries underscore a shared commitment to maintaining multilateralism and addressing global challenges through collaborative efforts on the Security Council, of which can be observed in their closing statements as well.

Questions from attendees focused on the balancing of priorities among council members, and dynamics mong the elected and permanent members of the Council, among other regional and situation specific topics. The Election Briefing was held in-person at UNHQ in New York, and was attended by approximately 100 Member and Observer Staes and CSO representatives. The event was also broadcast on UN Web TV for wider viewing, of which you may find a recording of the events here . Further, the event was live-tweeted and promoted on social media using the hashtag #UNSCElections. With the active engagement of Member States, UN Associations and Civil Society Organizations, the event enabled the participation of a more global audience to promote transparency and accountability within the United Nations Security Council.

For more about WFUNA’s UN Security Council transparency initiative, click here.

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