
Global Model WHO Registration

Register Now

Registration Timeline

Registrations for Global Model WHO 2024 are now open!

Early Registration Deadline: July 31, 2024

Regular Registration Deadline: September 15, 2024


Terms and Conditions
Groups (High School or University groups with 2 or more students)
Registration FeesEarly Registration by July 31, 2024Regular Registration by September 15, 2024
Delegate Fee per Student$229$259
Delegation Fee (includes 1 Faculty Advisor)$129$129
Additional Faculty Advisor Fee$179$179
All fees are subject to a 3% transaction fee and a 4% mymun fee when paid through mymun. When paid by other means of payment, a 5% mymun fee will be added to the invoice.
Individuals (Participating as a Delegate or observing on their own)
Registration FeesEarly Registration by July 31, 2024Regular Registration by September 15, 2024
Delegate Fee per Student$269$299
Observer/Chaperone Fee$189$189
All fees subject to a 3% processing fee and 4% minimum fee

Group Registration

  • Group registration is meant for two or more students in a delegation. Usually, a Faculty Advisor or teacher registers the students as a group for Model UN conferences. All groups will receive the following:

  • Country Assignment for each Delegate

  • Access to all social events

  • Access to all conference materials

  • $40 discount on delegate fees for each delegate (compared to individual delegate fees)

  • Priority for country allocations

  • Eligibility to be considered for group delegation awards given at the closing ceremony

  • One Faculty Advisor attends for free, included in the Delegation Fee

Individual Registration

  • Individual Registration is for single delegates and observers who wish to participate in the conference. All underage individual delegates must be accompanied by a chaperone. Individually registered delegates and observers will receive the following:

  • Country Assignment (Delegates only)

  • Access to all simulations during the conference (Observers only)

  • Access to all social events

  • Access to all conference materials

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