16+ Forum Showcase:
About this Conference
With over 250 participants from more than 45 countries, the 2019 16+ Forum Showcase in Díli, Timor-Leste offered a variety of experiences in SDG 16+ implementation.
With inclusion and reconciliation as its flagship theme, a few overarching themes emerged from the discussions:
- That the SDG 16+ framework is well-placed to act as an overarching strategic policy and planning tool across ministries and local authorities, at national and local levels.
- Localization of SDG 16+ is key to the agenda’s success and therefore requires an increase in visibility and resources.
- Advancing SDG 16+ requires a whole-of-society approach, which includes civil society, the public and private sectors, academia and the media.
- There is an urgent need to increase political will and accountability at all levels, with a dual focus on short-term impacts as well as long-term solutions if SDG 16+ aspirations are to be met.
- Theme: inclusion and reconciliation
Hosted by
The Permanent Mission of Timor-Leste
Conference Materials
View, download and share the outcome documents and more from Dili 2019: