For the first time ever, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution on the role of young men and women in peace building and preventing violent extremism. Resolution 2250, sponsored by Jordan, builds on the Amman Youth Declaration, acknowledges the pressing need to engage young peacebuilders in efforts to promote lasting peace. The role of civil society, in large part through the Youth and Peacebuilding Working Group of the UN Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development, was instrumental in this landmark moment in UN history. 

WFUNA have actively worked to promote the role of young peacebuilders through our Youth Network and the work of our Secretariat. Recently, one of our representatives of the Youth Advisory Group, Ms. Erly Munoz from UNA-Venezuela, represented WFUNA at the Global Forum on Youth, Peace, and Security in Amman. Erly was a member of the drafting committee of the Amman Youth Declaration, and had the honor to present the draft text to entire audience at the Forum. 

In addition to the work of the WFUNA Secretariat two recent outcomes of the WFUNA 41st Plenary Assembly prominently featured the role of youth in preventing violent extremism. Resolution B15 – “Peacebuilders of the Future: Youth, Peace and Security” which was sponsored by UNA-Finland, and adopted by consensus, calls on WFUNA and the entire UNA network to work to urge governments to strengthen youth participation in peace building processes relevant to their lives and future. In addition, the adopted statement on Violent Extremism, implores the international community to commit to “a global response, building on lessons learned…[involving] representatives from all parts of society, including minorities, women and youth in particular.”

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