Eighty Agents of Change of Mission Possible: India 2017-2018 cycle are analyzing their communities, building partnerships, and fundraising to create projects that make a difference. In the next two months, fourteen different teams based in Bangalore and Hyderabad will implement their project plans. The students will not only employ their own creative ideas, but work together with people in their communities to ensure that relevant needs are being addressed.

Under the supervision of faculty advisors as well as Mission Possible National Program Coordinator, Soujaya Ganig, students are finding ways to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a local scale. Each team will address one goal using their own inventive approaches. The various SDGs being addressed are:

As students organize their efforts to obtain necessary resources and troubleshoot challenges, faculty advisors and the National Program Coordinator will continue to advise each team on their progress. For our Agents of Change, the Mission is Possible.

Mission Possible was launched in India in 2015 with the support of the Project Management Institute Educational Foundation (PMIEF). Learn about Mission Possible here.