From January 29 to February 2, WFUNA’s office in New York hosted an Advanced Training at the UN, organized in partnership with Think Bank, with 15 university and high school students. The group travelled to Washington, DC to visit various international organizations and NGOs, including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Organization of American states, International Labor Organization, European Union and Centre for Strategic and International Studies.

The last three days of the week-long training took place at UN Headquarters in New York City, where UN staff gave briefings on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and development issues. The program featured speakers from UN environment, UNICEF, and UNESCO. Students also visited the Permanent Mission if the United States to the UN and engaged in a discussion on US-China relations.

On the final day, students collaborated with Avenues School, based in New York City, on a design-thinking project to promotoe multi-perspective problem solving skills, communication skills and team building.