NEW YORK – WFUNA launched “Training at the UN: Korea” and its New York training sessions for student groups with 22 high school students from Korea, during 18-22 February, for a week-long intensive session focusing on the UN system and the Millennium Development Goals. The students were competitively selected by the Hope to the Future, a nonprofit educational organization based in Korea, and they participated in interactive workshops on the UN system as well as briefings by UN agencies and departments. 

The training program started with an overview of the UN system and the Millennium Development Goals, as well as an introduction to critical thinking processes when trying to come up with innovative solutions to real world problems. Students learned project management skills throughout the week and applied them to their group projects as they researched, brainstormed, and analyzed UN organizational approaches to sustainable development. Students presented on the last day in five different groups on their work throughout the week. 

“Hearing from different speakers of the UN was great because it is such a rare opportunity,” said Ms. Soo Jin Shin, one of the students of the program. Throughout the week, students were able to hear from UN personnel, such as Mr. Bernhard Frey from Non-Governmental Liaison Service, Mr. Alec Wargo II from the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Mr. Jim Sniffen from the UN Environment Programme, Mr. John Solecki of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Office in New York, and a career briefing from Ms. Lynne Goldberg of the Outreach Unit of UN Human Resources. Students were also able to hear from Ms. Gillian Sorensen, Senior Advisor of the UN Foundation. Students also received briefings from the US Fund for UNICEF with Ms. Cayce Pack and Ms. Jessica O’Herron, and from the Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations.

This is the first of many trainings that WFUNA will proceed with their educational partner, Hope to the Future Association.