On 1 March 2012 WFUNA, together with Mandat International, held a side event on “The Human Rights Council for Newcomers” in the Palais des Nations in Geneva on behalf of the NGO Committee on Human Rights of the Conference of NGOs. Three panellists provided an insight for NGOs about how to effectively engage in the Human Rights Council: Emmanuel Bichet from the Permanent Mission of SwitzerlandAnita Goh from the NGO Group for the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Lidiya Grigoreva representing the Civil Society Section of the OHCHR.

“You are the voice, the voice that is not usually heard.” This quote by E. Bichet was an encouraging message for civil society to be active in the Council and to push Member States to work on issues that are difficult to address.

Tips for NGO participation in the HRC from the State perspective by Mr Bichet:

Tips for NGO participation from the NGO perspective by Ms Goh:

Tips for NGO participation from the OHCHR perspective by Ms Grigoreva: